Tuesday, November 1, 2011


How to choose sanitary napkins?
The human body is a delicate and complex system. The menstrual cycle is a special characteristic of female maturity that brings both blessings and possible problems for women.

Common mistakes in the use of sanitary napkins
1. Not washing your hands clean before handling a new sanitary napkin: In the process of opening, flattening and putting on a sanitary napkin, the hands may bring many bacteria onto the sanitary napkin.
2. Keeping the sanitary napkins in the wash room: In our countries, most of the washrooms are dark and wet and bacteria growth can easily contaminate the sanitary napkins.
Coming to good terms with menstruation
Many women feel tensed up or depressed during menstruation. This is in fact not necessary. They should come to good terms with this natural phenomenon and regard it as their good partner.

How to choose suitable sanitary napkins
During menstruation, the skin of the women's sensitive part is most vulnerable.
Surveys have shown that 73% of the women would feel itchiness and pain on some parts of the skin during menstruation.

Changing sanitary napkins to avoid troubles
Due to the special physical characteristics of women, the sanitary napkin is the women's indispensable ��friend' but this friend may bring considerable troubles when it is not treated well.
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Reproductive tract infections: affecting genital health in teenage girls
The Maternity and Child Health Centre of the Peking University First Hospital had conducted a survey on 2002 young women aged below 24 years in ten hospitals in the four cities of Beijing, Zhengzhou, Nanning and Shenzhen. The survey found that 1,144 of them or 57.1% suffered from genital tract infections. 

How to know whether a secretion is normal?
Abnormal secretion appears yellowish or green and gives a foul smell. Normal secretion is clear or white and its viscosity depends on the stage of the menstrual cycle:

How do we know whether vaginal infection is due to candida (yeast), bacteria or Trichomonas vaginalis?
Vaginal yeast infection normally has the symptom of itching around the vagina. Vaginal bacterial infection, caused mostly by sexual intercourse, is characterized by rashes, a burning sensation in the vagina and sticky vaginal secretion with foul smell.

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Causes of cervicitis (cancer) and vaginitis
In 2002 a famous actress in China Lee Aiai died of cervical cancer in Beijing, leaving her one-year-old son and her audience. Not long ago, Hong Kong pop queen Anita Mui also died of cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is the second most common type of malignant tumour in women. About 200,000 women died of this disease in the world every year.

Causes of cervicitis (cancer)
Cervical cancer, which used to be most common among women aged 45 to 49, have now inflicted more and more younger women. There are more cases among urban dwellers than the rural dwelllers. According to data available, more than half of all women could suffer from cervical cancer but a survey of 517 women aged below 30 years had noted that 87 of them were suffering from the disease, a rate much higher than before.

What are the types of vaginitis?
There are many causes of vaginitis and these include vaginal bruises, foreign body stimulation (uterus support, vagina plug, cotton balls, bandage), corrosive chemicals, contraceptive tools and cream, vaginal cleansing etc. Besides, pelvic cavity infection, adnexitis, endometritis, miscarriage and profuse secretion after childbirth, prolonged uterus bleeding or vaginal surgical bruises etc may disrupt the natural protection function of the vagina.

Moldal vaginitis
(1) About 80% to 90% of Moldal vaginitis cases are caused by Candida albicans infection. This disease is seen mostly among pregnant ladies, diabetics and patients receiving hormonal treatment;
(2) Long-term use of broad-spectrum antibiotics and adrenal cortical hormone may disrupt the organic bacteria chemical groups leading to modal pores;
(3) Serious infectious diseases and other depleting diseases.Clinical symptoms:

Bacterial vaginitis:
Due to frequent sexual intercourse or multiple sex partners, the alkaline sperms may remain in the vagina and inhibit the growth of lactic acid bacillus, thus disrupting the healthy acidic environment in the vagina, leading to imbalanced bacterial groups and causing this disease Bacterial vaginitis.

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